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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Re: Ridgeway WILL get "Death".........
Posted by: Bunker 3 on 2003-11-10 05:50:27

No! Didn't miss ANY point(s)! Next...You took this out of context. During the APPEALS process, let the "convicted" criminal prove his/her innocense! Next...Criminals ARE being let off.....To continue to commit criminal acts over and over. There are millions of criminal acts commited by these scumbags that are set free, perpetrated on day to day innocent people. Compare that to the very few innocent people wrongly accussed. Next......My concern is for the many.......even at the expense of the few....or the one! As you stated, none of us is perfect and mistakes WILL be made, but it's been a much bigger mistake not to be more aggressive in our approach to justice in that innocent people's lives are getting ruined every minute of every day because of our lenient policies toward criminals. Next up....I would like to get on with my life without having to constantly worry about some scumbag who should have been locked up or executed, BUT was instead set free, doing harm to me and my family, friends and neighbors! Next....The Death penalty probably is not a deterant to a mass murderer, as their typical profile suggests, but as lame as it is with this lethal injection crap, it does deter some, but not all. That's why I'm in favor of more harsh punishments and forms of putting someone to death who commits a violent crime, regardless of whether the victim dies or not! My concern is exclusively with the victim and/or potential victims. Screw the criminal and those who have such misguided compassion for them. VERY The Bunker

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