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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: Re: The 'Dont bring babies on airplanes' guideline
Posted by: sophia on 2000-05-23 13:50:40

I am always amazed by the maternal bond of the mother to a
child. Not being a parent myself, I don't speak from experience,
but I would never want to come between a mother and her child.

My mother was telling me recently that when she was pregnant in
the late 60's she was encouraged to feed me baby formula.
Breast feeding was discouraged on a societal level back then.
Now we see more and more women nursing and we'll have
to get used to seeing it more than ever.

Those of us who have decided not to have children are sometimes
forced to share our space with them. I can empathize with
someone who doesn't like kids and doesn't want to be around them. That person isn't going to be happy about having to listen to them screaming for the duration of a plane flight.

Maybe it is time for the airlines to segregate families with kids
from us folks who don't dig children. The area to the very rear
of the plane would be great for a 'no kid zone'.
We can yuck it up together
about how great it is not to have to entertain those critters,
as we travel and enjoy ourselves without having to worry about
saving to educate our progeny.

Wait... I would never want to come between a mother and her
child so maybe the 'no kid zone' should be at the front of the
plane. We may need 'no kid flights' to deal with this terrible

Societal norms will adjust and it won't seem odd that we won't
see breast feeding mothers or screaming kids on our 'no kid'
flights. If we work it right, we won't ever have to see a damn
kid again. We can finally live the self obsessed life we have
always dreamed of, without thought of our barren and fruitless
womb. After all, some people just shouldn't have kids.

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