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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Re: The 'Dont bring babies on airplanes' guideline
Posted by: friend on 2000-05-11 07:33:26

I can see both sides of this issue. For one, I have been on a 6
hour flight with two minor children seated behind me, kicking and
behaving in a rowdy manner. The mother of these two kids was
flying in first class, the kids were in coach. Moreover, I think we have all flown with a screaming baby at some time or
Commercial air travel can be frustrating for adults as well as
children, and
both are known to have tantrums. Neither is acceptable behavior
in public, for a child or an adult.

I think that parents are
completely responsible for their children, and this should be
considered when deciding whether or not to reproduce and add
to the population.
Yes, no parent wants to hear their child cry, but that is
something you buy into when you decide to become a parent.
Those of us who, (for environmental, financial, time, and
population reasons), have decided not to reproduce did not buy
into your screaming baby. Unfortunately, many parents feel
that everyone around them should watch and deal with their
kids. People without kids are without kids for a reason and
should not be expected to carry your chosed burden.
We are busy carrying the burdens of work and making the world
run so that children can have food, transportation, technology,
books, clean air, safe environments, education, etc.
One solution would be for the airlines to offer adult only or
family only flights. Either way you stand on this issue, whether
you are a flying with a baby or not, I think everyone agrees
that to be stuck on a plane with a screaming kid, and to have
the mother/father do nothing (which is often the case) is
pretty lame. I would encourage parents to teach their children
appropriate behavior when traveling and to not tolerate
any spoiled-brat behavior. I know that one look from my dad
was enough to shut all of us up if we were being wild. It's
too bad that so many parents have decided to become slaves
to their children and disregard the rights and feelings of
other adults who work hard to earn money to fly. At the very
least I'd like to just once see a parent apologize for their
child's bad behavior on a plane and acknowledge that maybe it
is a mistake to fly with children that are not yet in control of
their actions. Four words: Get a baby sitter!!!!!!!!

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