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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Re: Wa's da "Rockefeller Memo"?
Posted by: George-Michigan on 2003-11-08 07:29:47

Mef you really need to start watching fox news to hear the 50% of the news that the other channels refuse to cover!

A few day ago a memo was found in the office of democratic Sen Jay Rockefeller, who vice-chairs the bi-partison Intelligence Commitee.. This commitee deals with intelligence gathering that is supposed to keep our country safe. It is very important and in the past has always been above politics, so I hear.

Jay admitted the memo was written to him from his 3 person staff. The offending portion was about a plan to stall the majority party in the investigation of Bush's intelligence which led to the Iraq war. They did not want it to happen now and be settled long before the election. They sugested that he stall till next year and spring it when it would harm Bush more.

The Dems are saying the Reps are getting excited about nothing and the dems have a right to be frustrated with the Bush secrecy. All the other stations except fox do not even mention the portion of the memo that has the Reps POed.(The ones I've seen anyway)

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