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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Thread > Response to RKC
Posted by: thewesman on 2003-04-14 09:54:06

Okay, where do I start?  I guess you have never had any training
in statistics.  You see, it would be impossible for anyone to poll
each individual person in this country or even the 100 million registered
voters.  Its called exstrapulation.  You see, you take a representative
group of people and poll them and then you can get a sense of what the
average person is thinking. 

Your criticism of polling is misdirected.  If you want to complain 
about a given poll, you should find out what questions are being asked
and how they are being asked.  That's what taints the responses, not the
number of people polled.

Also, several different polls have been conducted across the country
by several different organizations and they have all pretty much come
out the same.  

DEAL WITH IT:  The majority of Americans are behind this war and I would
wager to say that so are the majority of Iraqi citizens.

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