Beverly Hills, Calif., now teaches clients about arranging their office using fen shui principles, applying the ancient Chinese energy-balance blueprint called ba-gua.
If you want your associates, staff, and visitors to experience positive energy in your office (and who wouldn't?), try these feng shui tips from Levi:
Add a welcome doormat. The entrance is where all blessings and abundance enter a business. Try a mat of deep blue, representing water, which increases wealth.
Showcase colorful flowers in pots. They lift the energy in the room. Try flowers or pots of red, representing fire, which increases business.
Ensconce lots of healthy green plants. A plant adds the wood element, which can lift energy and morale.
Remove clutter. If left to sit, piles of paper and trash will prompt the holographic universe to mirror back to you the same negativity in the form of difficult buyers and sellers or contracts and escrow's that fall out.
Keep non-business visuals to a minimum. That means go sparingly on family photos and other personal items. Otherwise the environment could create anxiety and stress.
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