People are aloud to have oppinions yes. But how vailid is an
oppinion left uneducated. I mark this statement to all who
make accusation to President Bush and his decision to make war
upon Iraq.
For nearly 15 years now, Sadam Husein has been attempting to create
weapons with nuclear charectaristics. Might I remind you, that
only about forty of these weapons would be needed to exterminate
the entire world, and countries like Pakistan has numbers in the
several hundreds of these. I beleive Russia has around 10,000.
We cannot wait arround till the most dangerous man on earth
has these absolutly insainly destructive weapons. He has hidden
the chemicle weapons and lied to the U.S.. Yet the "American", or
so they call themselves, protestors stand in our way when we attempt
to disarm Iraq. Please, I beg you, educate yourselves before
cheering on the devil.
"how valid is an oppinion when left
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