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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > To 2-Sex:
Posted by: Meff on 2003-11-10 18:22:35

Hi & glad to see you again! You asked why the victims of the Green River Killer didn't fight him & get away...He explains why: He likes to strangle Hookers...Gives him pleasure. The first one he strangled, he did it face to face....But the expression on her face was so horrific & she tried to defend herself, & that dismayed him...So, from then on, he got behind them & choked them with a cord that he had brought along....This way, he didn't have to see their faces as they dies.....And that saved him the energy of fighting them...He said these things calmly & with no emotion in his confession....Prosecuters said...And he said that all the murders were planned in advance...

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