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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > WHAT ARE WE DOING??????
Posted by: soldiersister on 2004-08-27 07:06:23

My brother is about to make his journey to the great sandbox, and will do what he is supposed to do, support his country, and we, his faily will do what we are supposed to do, support our brother and his comrades. HOWEVER.... according to today's news, poverty has risen in this country for the third year in a row, and you better believe that quite a few of those are military families. It's the same old story it has been in the Bush administration. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Except in this instance, the now poor are fighting and dying to keep the rich richer. Is it any coincedence that oil prices have skyrocketed when the whole point of this "war" has been to get their greedy little hands on more? If the problem was the tyrannical Saddaam and the people of Iraq suffering under his reign, what about the tyrannical Bush and his Freedom Act that won't allow you to criticize him in public for threat of FBI interrogation and watch-listing? What about the poor people of America suffering under the reign of Bush? Poverty increasing and fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters fighting and dying to keep the bank accounts of the rich fat? Why do we sell the Iraqis gasoline for 5 cents a gallon and I cry every time I pay 35 dollars to fill my tank? Boy, this war sure was a good idea. We got our hands on more oil, so we don't have to pay such high prices for it now, AND my brother gets a paid vacation in a sandy area without fear of dying at all! Thank you so much for worrying about the people's problems in the country you were elected (HA!) to serve! Everything is so peachy over here that we don't have anything better to do than kill our people and Iraq's people so you could get richer! Smart choice! This generation needed a Vietnam. You definitely have my vote in November! NOT!!

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