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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Your rights as a Mastercard holder
Posted by: crashwrite on 2001-12-17 18:20:24

It has come to my attention that many people, businesses,
and credit card issueing banks are unaware of a couple
of basic rights you have as Mastercard holder.

These rights are not granted to you by law.  They have
nothing to do with legalities.  They are simple a few
rules that merchants who wish to accept Mastercard as a 
form of payment must follow as part of their agreement
with Mastercard International.  

The two rules that most people do not realize are:

    1) You cannot be asked for any other form of id
when you are using your Mastercard.  This should be 
obvious given all of those commercials where they 
tout the advantages of the "Check Card" over real
checks because various celebrities don't have their id.
        Anyway, it is amazing how many businesses will
ask you for an additional id (ie. drivers license) when
you use your credit card.  If this ever happens to 
you, file a complaint against that business by calling
Mastercard International at: (800) 300-3069
        If the business tries to tell you that "It is 
for your own good", they are lying.  The merchant bears
most of the responsibility for accepting a stolen credit
card.  They are understandably trying to protect themselves
from a potential loss, but they are violating their agreement.

    2) A business cannot charge you extra for using your
Mastercard to pay your bill.  Remember when gas stations
used to have a different price for cash customers than for
credit-card customers.  You don't see this much any more. This
is because they are not allowed to do this if they want
to accept Mastercard.  If you encounter a business that
tries to pass on their merchant charges to you in the 
form of a surcharge for credit-card payment, you should
call Mastercard International at: (800) 300-3069


Mastercard includes these requirements in their merchant
agreements because it enhances the value of their service.

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